Surely all of us have at least once tried to imagine what the faces of famous figures in history would look like?

Originating from this idea, Chinese experts decided to restore the true appearance of a series of emperors and famous people through many periods of this country.

The results achieved have surprised many people.

1. Wu Zetian

Wu Zetian.

According to descriptions in historical documents and paintings, the first female emperor in Chinese history was not a beautiful woman.

2. Liu Bei

Ask AI to recreate the portraits of Qin Shi Huang and Zhuge Liang and the ending is not as expected

Liu Bei.

Liu Bei is described in the book `Romance of the Three Kingdoms` as seven and a half meters tall (converted to 1 meter 65 meters), with no beard, very large ears, visible eyes, and very long arms reaching his knees.

3. Guan Yu

Ask AI to recreate the portraits of Qin Shi Huang and Zhuge Liang and the ending is not as expected

Guan Yu.

Writer La Quan Trung describes the character Quan Vu: `Huyen Duc looked at him and saw that he was nine meters tall, his beard was two meters long, his face was as red as a gac, his lips were painted with lipstick, his phoenix eyes and silk eyebrows were majestic.

4. Confucius

Ask AI to recreate the portraits of Qin Shi Huang and Zhuge Liang and the ending is not as expected


Zhuangzi – a prominent philosopher of the Warring States period, described Confucius as follows: `Long above but short below, hunchback and ears tilted back`.

5. Truong Phi

Ask AI to recreate the portraits of Qin Shi Huang and Zhuge Liang and the ending is not as expected

Zhang Fei.

Truong Phi is described in the book Tam Quoc Chi as follows: `eight meters tall, leopard head, round eyes, upside-down tiger beard, swallow jaw`.

6. Ly Bach

Ask AI to recreate the portraits of Qin Shi Huang and Zhuge Liang and the ending is not as expected

Of transparency.

Unfortunately, the image of `fairy poet` Ly Bach after being restored by AI looks quite ordinary.

7. Zhuge Liang

Zhuge Liang.

Old history describes: Zhuge Liang was 8 meters tall, his face was as beautiful as jade, his head was covered with a scarf, he held a fan in his hand, and he was as generous as a god.

8. Qin Shi Huang

Qin Shi Huang.

Most Chinese historians believe that: Qin Shi Huang was born in the land of Qin, was from the Northwest, and had the tall, handsome appearance typical of the Han people in the Northwest.

9. Diao Thuyen

Relief crew.

With a beauty that is compared to holding the moon (making the moon shy and hiding behind the clouds), Diao Chan is considered one of the Four Great Beauties of China.

Source: 163, Toutiao