The Apple screen cleaning cloth once made the technology community laugh when it sold for 19 USD, equivalent to more than 400,000 VND each.

The 79% off scarf in just a few hours was announced to be out of stock throughout the system, and no longer even appeared on the retailer’s website.

The truth is that the price of 100,000 VND for a screen cleaning cloth is still too expensive.

The fabric material that Apple uses has thin, soft, interwoven hairs but is very smooth, feels a bit stiff but is guaranteed not to scratch the glass.

Apple screen cleaning cloth was reduced to 100,000 VND, I bought it to try and was surprised

Apple-quality towel tray.

Apple screen cleaning cloth was reduced to 100,000 VND, I bought it to try and was surprised

On the back is the product information, including Vietnamese because it is a genuine product for the Vietnamese market.

Apple screen cleaning cloth was reduced to 100,000 VND, I bought it to try and was surprised

Apple provides information on how to use it, how to clean it, and includes an alcohol solution for difficult-to-remove stains.

Apple screen cleaning cloth was reduced to 100,000 VND, I bought it to try and was surprised

At a glance, the cleaning cloth doesn’t look like anything special.

Apple screen cleaning cloth was reduced to 100,000 VND, I bought it to try and was surprised

We only know this is an Apple product because there is an embossed logo in the corner.

The surface of the towel is made of thick but very soft fabric fibers, with good absorbency for dirt, oil and sweat.

According to iFixit, the towel is made from 2 identical layers. If separated, there will be 2 cleaning towels with the same use.

This towel’s ability to clean stains, sweat, fingerprints and oil on the screen is extremely good thanks to the special fabric material.

The cleaning cloth works extremely well with fingerprints and sweat on the glass.

Glass cleaning cloths often clean very thoroughly but still leave a little oil on the screen, not completely clean like Apple’s kind.

However, the towel surface after using it a few times will no longer have the same strong effect as before.

The Apple cleaning cloth can be used for the front, back, camera glass, laptop screen and more.

In general, for many people, the price of 100,000 VND is still too high, but if you are an iFan and can hunt for this scarf on sale, it is still a great deal to experience a genuine Apple product without `burning a hole in your wallet`.