
When it comes to cores that provide healing abilities, Spoils of War are often on par with the Blessings of Heaven core.

As a result, even though it has a very nice number (healing over 700 health), when considering the total amount of actual recovery, the Spoils of War core is far behind Heavenly Blessings.

Pandora’s box

There is a principle in Truth Arena that is that equipment is always a decisive part of the team’s strength.

And the sad thing here is that the equipment exchanged using the Pandora Box core is completely random and not according to the player’s wishes.

The 3 least effective technology cores in Truth Arena: Many are selected but the rate of reaching the top 4 is too low

Recycling Factory

The idea of this core is basically to support flexible play and `rotate cards` at the end of the game when you can combine items early and then switch to a different type of item.

Therefore, the Recycling Factory core is having quite a big problem as it is only really needed at the end of the game, but at this stage, gamers need cores that provide greater stats.

The 3 least effective technology cores in Truth Arena: Many are selected but the rate of reaching the top 4 is too low