(Dan Tri) – A passenger who survived aboard the crashed Russian Aeroflot plane was fiercely criticized for being so busy taking his luggage that he may have blocked the escape routes of others in a moment of `thousands hanging in the balance`.

Passengers who survived the Russian plane crash were criticized for blocking the escape route

Mr. Dmitry Khlebushkin (Photo: Tass)

Mr. Dmitry Khlebushkin, one of the 37 survivors of the May 5 plane crash in Moscow, became the focus of criticism when he was seen carrying a backpack and running out of the burning plane.

Some surviving passengers said that during the escape process, there were people who still ignored instructions from the flight attendants and insisted on taking their luggage before running out of the plane, slowing down the escape process.

According to Dailymail, before leaving Sheremetyevo airport on May 5, Mr. Khlebushkin lingered to demand that Aeroflot return the ticket money because the flight did not arrive in Murmansk as scheduled.

Mr. Khlebushkin criticized Aeroflot for `having unscrupulous and unprofessional employees` after he had to wait 40 minutes and still could not get his money back.

Passengers who survived the Russian plane crash were criticized for blocking the escape route

The fact that Mr. Khlebushkin carried his luggage out of the airport faced criticism  (Photo: East2west)

In a difficult moment, flight attendant Tatyana Kasatkina, 34 years old, said she kicked in the emergency exit door, grabbed passengers by their collars and pushed them out to speed up the evacuation.

That’s why Mr. Khlebushkin’s actions were fiercely criticized.

“The first passengers to escape tried to get their luggage out of the cabin before moving.

“This man was angry because he didn’t get a refund for 40 minutes.

Videos recording scenes of passengers surviving after leaving the plane while still carrying luggage in their hands made aviation experts and the public concerned, because in the moment of emergency when the fire spread very quickly and economically.

Controversy over passengers trying to get their luggage when a Russian plane crashed

Lord Emperor

According to Dailymail