The wizarding world of Harry Potter has so many wonderful and profound details that it is easy to form a wrong concept or `path` of thinking for the audience.

Hogwarts acceptance letter arrives on your 11th birthday

Just because this happened to Harry Potter’s main man doesn’t mean it happens to everyone else.

The Ravenclaw house symbol is the crow

Because of the name Ravenclaw, many viewers mistakenly thought that the symbol of this house in Harry Potter was a crow.

10 biggest misconceptions about Harry Potter that even longtime fans may not know

Durmstrang and Beauxbatons are coeducational schools

In part 4 of The Goblet of Fire, the appearance of these two schools makes people think that these are all schools where students have only one gender (at least in the movies).

10 biggest misconceptions about Harry Potter that even longtime fans may not know

Evil people cannot use amulets

The notion that only kind-hearted people can use talismans in Harry Potter is not true.

10 biggest misconceptions about Harry Potter that even longtime fans may not know

Horcruxes are `reserve` souls for resurrection

In Harry Potter, Voldemort uses Horcruxes to return to life after he dies.

10 biggest misconceptions about Harry Potter that even longtime fans may not know

The time-turning necklace can change the past

Many audiences often hypothesize that the characters use Dumbledore’s time-turning necklace to return to the past, prevent Voldemort from reincarnating or kill Harry Potter’s parents.

10 biggest misconceptions about Harry Potter that even longtime fans may not know

Polyjuice potion cannot change voice

This is what happened when the Harry Potter characters used the polyjuice potion… in the movie.

Two chopsticks connect together when dueling

Audiences have always expressed interest in the duels in Harry Potter, especially when the two magical streams of Harry and Voldemort connect with each other.

Hogwarts is a magical school in England

If in a quiz you choose Hogwarts in England, you are wrong.

Witches can fly without a broom

In movies, many witches (usually on the bad side) often have scary flying performances in the air without seeming to use brooms.

Source: Screen Rant