(Dan Tri) – Congressman Mike Johnson – who was elected by his Republican colleagues as the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives after 3 weeks of chaos – is a genuine conservative.

New US House Speaker Mike Johnson (Photo: NBC).

`I am a Christian, a husband, a father, a lifelong conservative, a constitutional law attorney, and a small business owner, in that order,` said the new House Speaker.

Mr. Johnson, 51 years old, was born in Louisiana, the eldest of four children and the son of a firefighter who was severely burned to the point of disability while on duty.

Before working in the US Congress, Mr. Johnson was a lawyer practicing mainly on religious freedom issues, successfully defending Louisiana’s same-sex marriage ban in 2004. He was elected to Congress.

Genuine conservative

During the first two years of President Joe Biden’s term, Mr. Johnson voted against a series of bills that received bipartisan support, including legislation to establish an independent commission to review the riot on January 6, 2021.

This year, he voted in favor of the debt ceiling law negotiated by former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Mr. Biden.

But Mr. Johnson is perhaps best known for his role in defending former President Donald Trump’s actions to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

As a former constitutional lawyer, he signed the petition to the court in the lawsuit asking to annul the election results in Pennsylvania, and called on Mr. Trump to `continue to fight.`

On the evening of October 25, after being elected, Mr. Johnson refused to answer questions about his role in election protests, according to NBC News.

An opponent of same-sex marriage, Mr. Johnson in 2022 introduced a bill banning schools from promoting or discussing gender identity.

Mr. Johnson also opposes abortion rights.

Opposing aid to Ukraine

Like some other Republicans, Mr. Johnson opposes the US continuing to provide military aid to Ukraine without being `transparent` about how this money is used.

`American taxpayers sent more than $100 billion in aid to Ukraine over the past year,` Sputnik quoted Mr. Johnson as saying earlier this year.

Mr. Johnson has voted against several recent spending bills providing aid to Ukraine.

Leadership experience

Mr. Johnson’s time in the US House of Representatives is shorter than previous presidents in modern times.

Before the vote on October 25, many members of Congress said they knew very little about Mr. Johnson.

Sen. Mitt Romney said he knows `very little about him` but that it will be `interesting` to see how the House operates with a Speaker who has no experience in leadership or chairing a committee.