Launched 10 days ago, facing many mixed opinions, Bless Unleashed is still being received quite well on Steam.

Notably, the number of Vietnamese gamers participating in Bless Unleashed is not small.

In Bless Unleashed, players will take on the role of different adventurers who must fight against hordes of monsters, dragons and other giant enemies.

Bless Unleashed currently has 5 different character classes, suitable for the playing style of each type of gamer.

Crusader: Warrior character class with a high defense orientation.

Feel free to `kill`, Vietnamese gamers flock together to play the free plowing game Bless Unleashed

Berserker: Warrior character class with a penchant for close combat attacks.

Ranger: Character class that uses bows and crossbows, can cause great physical damage.

Mages: The ultimate wizards with the ability to create huge magic damage.

Priest: Priests are support specialists with the ability to heal, buff stats and revive.

One detail that makes Bless Unleashed of interest to many Vietnamese gamers is the game’s unique PVP mechanism.

Feel free to `kill`, Vietnamese gamers flock together to play the free plowing game Bless Unleashed

For foreign gamers, this PVP element makes them feel uncomfortable about the game.

Currently, Bless Unleashed is being released 100% free on Steam. Those interested can download the game here.