Challenge – Chemical Technique

Since version 12.6 was released, the Challenger – Chemistry team with Warwick as the center has always shown overwhelming strength no matter who the opponent is and what core technology is.

However, when upgrading to version 12.6b, Warwick’s dominance has been completely reduced.


The strength of the Assassin system in Truth Arena season 6.5 is that they can be strong very early with a series of strong 1-2 gold champions like Nocturne, Twitch, Talon.

This dominance of the Assassin team will likely stop in the upcoming version 12.6b when both Twitch and Talon receive nerfs in damage and ability to cast spells.

Truth Arena: Top 3 squads that were nerfed the most by Riot after update 12.6b


It’s no exaggeration to say that Tech is the race that Riot Games fully buffed in version 12.6 when stats such as attack damage, shields… all get stronger over time in the match.

And then the correction that Riot offered is to nerf the basic shields that this race provides to reduce the `buffiness` of Technology.

Truth Arena: Top 3 squads that were nerfed the most by Riot after update 12.6b